Working together
It is important to everyone connected with the school that the we provide an effective educational experience and that the environment students experience is a safe and supportive one. To this end, both parents and students are asked to adhere to our Home-School Agreement.
The school will:
- provide a safe, caring environment for all students
- be welcoming and offer opportunities for all parents to become involved in the life of the school
- provide challenging programmes of teaching and homework to meet the individual learning needs of all students
- encourage each student to achieve his/her unique potential to the full
- encourage high standards of work and behaviour through building good relationships and developing a sense of responsibility
- regularly inform parents of their child’s progress
- inform parents promptly of any concerns that relate to their child’s attendance, work or behaviour
- send a letter informing you if your child’s attendance falls below 94.9%.
Parents will:
- ensure that their child goes to school regularly, on time and that the school is notified immediately of any absence
- ensure that their child is appropriately dressed in school uniform and properly equipped for the school day
- support their child in developing personal responsibility for achieving high standards of work and behaviour
- support and encourage their child with homework activities
- attend school meetings to discuss their child’s progress
- work with the school to address any concerns or problems that may affect their child’s attendance, work or behaviour
As a student I will:
- attend school regularly and on time
- wear the school uniform and bring the necessary equipment for each school day
- do my classwork and homework to the best of my ability.
- take personal responsibility for my actions
- treat other people, property and the school environment with respect
Together we will:
- address any special needs
- listen to and respect each others’ point of view