Pupil Premium
Schools have a duty to ensure that every individual child is given the best possible chance of achieving their potential. The government provides pupil premium funding, which is in addition to main school funding, to help address national inequalities in terms of the achievement of children eligible for free school meals or children in care.
The pupil premium grant is allocated annually to schools based on the number of students who:
- Are looked after children (LAC) - 0.78% of pupils at MOCS.
- Receive free school meals (FSM) now or have done at any point in the past six years (FSM6) - 23% of pupils at MOCS.
- Have a parent in the armed services - 2.4% of pupils at MOCS.
It is for schools to decide how the pupil premium is spent, since they are best placed to assess what provision should be made for the individual students within their responsibility. At Melksham Oak, we support all of our students. We do this by providing high-quality classroom teaching supplemented by interventions to support vulnerable learners. The senior leadership team works with all staff and governors to ensure that the pupil premium provides the best possible support to students that may be at a disadvantage.
The document linked below gives a detailed breakdown of our pupil premium strategy and spending.