Here at Melksham Oak we consider our school uniform important for a number of reasons:

  • It helps to create an inclusive school community
  • It reinforces a sense of shared pride in our school
  • It is smart and practical for our students to learn in

We will always take into account particular religious beliefs that impact uniform.

There is an expectation that the uniform will be worn with pride by all students. The following guidelines are in place:

White shirt Collared, completely plain white, buttoned formal shirt, either long or short sleeved
  • No polo shirts
  • No branded shirts with logos
  • Any vests or t-shirts worn underneath must be plain white
School jumper Navy V-necked jumper with school logo. This should be worn in school at all times
  • No cardigans, hoodies, sweatshirts or alternative jumpers must be worn instead of the school jumper.
  • Jumpers may be removed in hot weather as advised.
School tie Navy, yellow and black striped tie (TBC)
  • Ties must be worn with a neat knot covering the top button and the bottom of the tie at waist length.
Trousers Black, smart, standard school trousers
  • Trousers must be formal in style and full length to below the ankle.
  • No jeans. Jeans are defined as a trouser cut often with external seams, externally stitched pockets and sometimes rivets; there will be prohibited.
  • No chinos or leggings allowed.
Skirt As an alternative to trousers, a plain, black, knee-length pleated skirt may be worn (no other style of skirt will be permitted.) Plain black or navy opaque tights must be worn with the skirt.
  • Tights should not have rips or tears.
  • Skirts should be knee length when standing.
  • Socks should not be worn with tights.
Socks  Black socks
  • No White socks
Shoes Flat, entirely black, formal shoes, either leather or faux leather material.
  • No trainers, sandals, boots, daps, platforms or canvas shoes will be allowed (such as 'Vans, 'Glorious Gangsta' type footwear)
Outerwear Coats and jackets are permitted and advised in adverse weather conditions.
  • No hoodies will be allowed unless a part of a waterproof coat.
  • Coats and jackets should be removed on entering the building and either carried or placed in bags.
Jewellery No facial piercings.
  • Piercings are only permitted to be worn in the earlobe.
  • Maximum of one plain stud/small sleeper per ear.
  • A watch may be worn.
  • No other jewellery may be worn.
  • All jewellery must be removed for PE and DT lessons where they pose a safety risk.
Hair style Hair should be of a natural colour.
  • No extreme styles.
  • No shorter than a 'number 2'
  • Make-up must be discreet.
  • No nail varnish or acrylic/fake nails.
  • No false eyelashes.
Bags All students need a bag for school.
  • It must be large enough to fit A4 books and folders.
Mobile devices We advise that mobile phones and other valuable items be left at home. Students are not permitted to use mobile phones during the school day, including at break or lunch. Parents/carers are encouraged to telephone the school reception if they need to convey a message to their son/daughter.

Mobile phones will be confiscated if they are seen, heard or used. They will returned to the student at the end of the school day. If there is a repeat occurrence in the same term, parents/carers will be asked to collect it. This rule applies to all electronic devices that can be used for communication.

Teachers may allow students to use mobile phones during lessons to support the learning process. If this is the case, it will be made clear to all students during the lesson. Please be assured that no student will be disadvantaged in their learning if they decide not to bring in their mobile phone.
  • These items must be stored in students’ bags and not be on view during the school day.
  • Headphones must not be worn beneath clothing and must not be on view during the school day. They will be confiscated by a member of staff if they are seen or used. Confiscated items will be returned to the student at the end of the school day.
  • If headphones are confiscated twice in the same term, parents/carers will be asked to collect them.


The multi-use games area will not be used by students during break or lunchtime and so students will no longer need to bring trainers to school apart from for PE. Students in trainers without a note will be sent home to put on the correct uniform.

PE Kit

In the document below, you will find information about the PE kit expectations we have for students.

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Second-hand uniform

Purchasing second-hand school uniforms is budget-friendly and eco-conscious. Here are some suggestions:

  • School Office / PTA: Check with the school office to find out how to purchase pre-loved uniform.
  • Charity Shops: Visit local charity shops that may carry school uniforms.
  • Online Marketplaces: Use sites like eBay, Facebook Marketplace, and dedicated uniform exchange platforms.
  • Community Groups: Join local social media groups where parents sell or trade uniforms.

These suggestions can help save money and support sustainability.

Useful links

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