Those students who commenced their Key Stage 4 studies in September 2023 will follow core, compulsory GCSE courses in:
- English Language;
- English Literature,
- Mathematics;
- Combined Science (equivalent to two GCSEs)
All Key Stage 4 students also participate in non-examined Physical Education lessons and PSHCE (Physical, Social, Health and Citizenship Education).
In line with our high ambitions for our students, we are increasingly encouraging more students to study the subjects which will enable them to achieve the academically challenging and well-respected suite of qualifications known collectively as the English Baccalaureate (or EBacc for short). The subjects which count towards the EBacc are English (Language and Literature), Mathematics, two Sciences, a Modern Foreign Language (French or Spanish) and a Humanity subject (History or Geography) - six specific GCSE qualifications in total.
As such, in addition to the core, compulsory subjects outlined above:
- all Key Stage 4 students will choose from GCSE Geography or GCSE History;
- most students will be asked to select GCSE French or GCSE Spanish, or to study towards a Step Up to English qualification if they would particularly benefit from further support with key facilitating skills in literacy.
In addition, all students are guided towards an appropriate mix of other optional courses from a range of GCSE and vocational qualifications. These optional courses include:
GCSEs in:
- Art and Design: Fine Art
- Business Studies
- Computer Science
- Design Technology
- Drama
- Food Preparation and Nutrition
- French
- Geography
- History
- Religious Studies
- Spanish
- Textiles
Vocational qualifications (e.g. BTECs, or Cambridge National Awards) in:
- Child Development
- Creative Media Production
- Music
- Performing Arts
- Sport Studies
Further details of the Key Stage 4 courses available from September 2024 onwards can be found by following the link, below:
Should you have any questions or queries regarding the curriculum, please direct them to Mrs Pavarnie Jackson, Deputy Headteacher via [email protected].
A summary of the subjects taught and topics covered in each subject during Year 10 and Year 11 can be found by following the links, below: