Opening Times
Monday-Thursday 9 am - 3.45pm
Friday 9am- 3.15pm
Melksham Oaks Discovery Centre is a spacious, vibrant, welcoming part of the school which is always a hive of activity.
Comprising of an upper and lower floor which is full of comfortable sofas and bean bags, we hold approximately 13,000 books which include reference, non-fiction and fiction resources. Our fiction books include the majority of those found in the national top 20 reading lists and cover everything from adventure, humour, teen reads to horror.
We take great pride in our displays, which feature seasonal and topical themes and showcase particular authors and genres. We also have a big theme and deck out the whole library once a year!
The Discovery Centre's extended hours provide our pupils with a safe, welcoming place where they can access the library to read quietly, use the computers for study or join one of our extra-curricular activities.
Students can also access the library resources during break and lunchtimes. Year groups have allocated days for playing board games but are able to renew and borrow books as well as read and complete homework at any time. Once a week, Year 7, 8 and 9 also enjoy timetabled English lessons in the Discovery Centre with their English teacher and are encourage to read for pleasure through focused, quiet reading sessions.
The Discovery Centre has a timetable of after school clubs which run from 3pm-3.45pm. The clubs offer opportunities to volunteer, meet new friends and learn new skills.
Please see Mrs Curry if you would like to find out more and sign up.
- Monday - Lego Creations (Get creative with a wide selection of Lego)
- Tuesday - Library Superheroes (Volunteer and become a member of the Discovery Centre Team)
- Wednesday - Reading Champions (Volunteer and champion reading at MOCS)
- Thursday - Reading Club Bistro (Books and biscuits, read and chat)
Some images of our library are included in the gallery below: