On the 4th and 5th of October, we welcomed inspectors from Ofsted to our school. We are delighted to now be able to reveal that we have been rated Good in all areas in their report.
Melksham Oak was previously inspected in 2017, and the school was rated as Requiring Improvement. We are therefore especially proud, as this new rating demonstrates that the school has undergone a significant transformation over the past five years. As the main secondary school serving families in Melksham, this is an extremely good result for not only the school, but the whole local community!
This transformation has been made possible by excellent leadership within the school and the trust, the ongoing application of our students, the support of parents and the community, and the hard work and passion of our amazing staff team.
Within the report, inspectors highlighted the following:
- The school has clear expectations of students and a consistent approach which helps them in their learning.
- Students in school and in the sixth form benefit from an impressively broad enrichment programme and extra-curricular opportunities
- The school has implemented a successful reading programme for students.
- Established routines and expectations help students behave and have installed a calm, organised atmosphere at the school.
Inspectors stated:
“There is a growing culture of ambition and raised aspirations at the school. Leaders have established expectations and routines that help pupils to behave.”
“Pupils attend a large range of extra-curricular clubs, from knitting to eco-club. Pupils feed back through a forum and leaders listen.”
“Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities are well supported”
“Leaders and staff are aspirational for pupils. A growing number of pupils go on to further education, apprenticeships or employment.”
Finally, inspectors praised the support from our excellent governor team, saying: “Governors are highly skilled. They hold leaders to account rigorously, ask challenging questions and provide support[…] They know what the priorities are and what needs to happen next.”
This inspection has been hotly anticipated by our staff team, and we are extremely proud and vindicated in our approach to have so much improvement recognised.
Everyone at Melksham Oak wants to make our school an outstanding place to learn for families in Melksham and the surrounding areas. This report gives us confidence and strengthens our resolve to keep getting better, and to keep providing the best we can for every student.